About us

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Mission Statement

The mission of the Council shall be to seek to advance the targeted community of Goldsboro that will release the power of the community to rebuild our neighborhood through a redevelopment process that is neighborhood asset-based, community-focused, and relationship-driven. To this end: The council’s principles are to
(1) Improve schools
(3) Increase economic opportunities
(4) Provide infrastructure opportunities
(5) Provide affordable housing opportunities
(6) Create an environment that fosters healthy families and vital communities.


Goldsboro Front Porch began in 2001 and is a 501 c3 organization housed in the Goldsboro Community of Sanford, Florida. The current Chair for the Council is Turner Clayton and Vice Chair is Patrice Anderson. Goldsboro Front Porch works to help at risk youth and families within the City of Sanford, FL. Many of their programs help kids get jobs and tutoring for school, and other programs give the elderly a place to spend time with friends and make new ones while also taking part in other stimulating activity. The Goldsboro Front Porch Sanford office also works to help out the community overall with many of its programs and events.

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Who We Are

Goldsboro Front Porch is made up of people dedicated to helping their community. The members of Goldsboro Front Porch have chosen to dedicate their time and energy to their community and have made noticeable strides in helping to improve it. These strides range from gathering grants for the community and working with community leaders and government agencies, to tutoring struggling high school students with their grades, to working with state college(s) to help those in the community attain their degrees, or certifications. None of these accomplishments would have been possible if it were not for current and past board members, or the work of others within the organization striving to help in whatever way they can for their community.

Board of Council


Julia Howard
Christopher Lemon
Algerine Miller

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Contact us for volunteer opportunities.